• Blog

    My Longing Heart

    My heart is always longing for what it cannot have. It has been over two years and every day feels like…. Your favorite song interrupted. You know, that one song you blast and…

  • Blog

    Festival of Trees and Lights

    *** Update 12/6/2019 *** Thank you so much to everyone that helped to make this possible. Ava’s Tree turned out beautiful with just the right amount of bling! It was bittersweet to create…

  • Uncategorized


    The opportunity to share a story and have an audience is a humbling honor. The world is full of opportunities and within each; there is potential for a great story. Some stories are happily…

  • Blog

    Two Year Angelversary

    Two years ago as I witnessed life leave my child’s body, all hope, denial, or insanity left mine. Whatever was holding me up and pushing me forward dissipated into thin air. At that…

  • Low Carb and Clean

    Zucchini Season

    It is zucchini season friends! At first, I was afraid, I was petrified, but now I am in LOVE! We enjoy zoodles at least once a week and yummy snacks like pickled zucchini…

  • Blog


    Somewhere not too far in the distant nearby there is a place that holds my confidence, my rational thinking, and my emotional well-being. You see it is just over the hill near the sunset,…

  • Blog

    Twenty-Two Months

    Dear Ava, Today marks the twenty-second month since your body could no longer hold your spirit and I miss you just as much today. I will never stop missing you. Being a mom…

  • Blog

    Failure is JUST a Setback

    Today I failed… again. I told myself, “Learn from your mistakes.” Guess what, I hate mistakes. I love challenges and learning new things, so I understand failure is inevitable, but darn it still…

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