Do Not Procrastinate – Senior Year Series 5
It is officially official, the year two thousand twenty is here. The year my oldest will graduate from high school and move to college. AND can you believe it is day number two! I feel like an avalanche is beginning. The snow is just starting to shift. It will gradually pick up speed daily until I hug her goodbye on move-in day. I know there is no use dwelling on the inevitable, but I am determined to stay grounded as the days slip away like snow down a mountain. This could prove impossible, but I will try.
One day last summer, I sat at the kitchen counter creating a list to share with my daughter as she completes her last year of high school and begins her first year of college. The list isn’t massive or elaborate, just some reflections. This is installment number five of that list and it is…
Do not procrastinate
“You may delay, but time will not.”― Benjamin Franklin
You have worked hard and set yourself up for success, but don’t let it slip. Be grateful you put in the hard work early, just be sure to keep the momentum. You will reap the rewards as long as you stay focused on the goals and dreams. Stay the course and if you get off track, ask for help.
P.S. You will get off track and that is okay.
Just because you are a senior, almost grown doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help. Successful adults seek advice and delegate tasks, you should too. Don’t give me the eye roll on that one. It may be awkward or scary to reach out, but people want to see you succeed. Seriously, there is nothing greater than watching someone achieve his or her dreams.
The ocean is yours and the possibilities are endless, so just keep swimming. Yes, that’s right, the great big overwhelming ocean is yours. This is exciting and scary at the same time. Just remember you can navigate the waters as long as you plan the course and keep on rowing.
Don’t become discouraged or overly anxious if your list keeps growing, because it means you are living. Now I’m not talking about putting your laundry away kind of lists. I am talking about dreams and goals kind of lists. Whether these lists are on paper or in your head keep an inventory of them and be sure to reevaluate the list as you progress. The list should change as you learn and grow, so leave room for scribbles and doodles. Oh, and put away your laundry lists are important, but as I said in Dear Future Adult (part 3)
“Have fun. Don’t get so serious that you miss out on the lighter side of life. Having fun will give you memories that will get you through heavy stuff later. Be a kid for as long as you can. Adulthood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Yes, you can leave your laundry on the floor and no one will yell at you, but in the end, you still have to pick it up.”
You can get the work done and have fun if you do some of each every day. Manage your time well, and you will have plenty of free time for Tick Tok, Snap Chat, and Netflix. Better yet you can Facetime mom or read a good book. I can almost feel the eye roll as you read that last line. I have goosebumps it feels so real…lol.
One last note for today. Your life compass is leading you away from home and that is okay. Just remember I will be here for you no matter what. If life gets to be too much all roads lead to home. I will happily pick up an oar to help you stay on course if you find yourself drifting too far from shore.
This advice comes from the heart
These are things I have failed at and the things I strive for in life. My advice isn’t meant to “mom” anyone to infinity and beyond. This is how I have learned or better yet how I am learning to manage the BIG things in life. To thrive, I must be very thoughtful about the details, emotions, and the bigger picture. Just because I am drawn to share my story and my insights does not mean I am an expert. I am far from perfect in every way, but I am a work in progress and for that, I am grateful.
Links to the rest of the series…