Balancing Act
Is it balance or suffocation? Are we balancing on the teeter-totter of life or drowning in the deep end?
Are we putting our best self forward in this race of life or just racing to keep up with the Jones’? What good is faking it until you make it? In the end, you are still fake. Altering yourself to be in the popular clique is like planting sunny plants in a shade garden; they will never bloom.
We have just a short time on this earth, some shorter than others. You never know when your story here will end, so why spend so much time being something you aren’t? Everywhere, every day there are millions of examples of life unlived to please others.
Dare to be passionate, but not too passionate. There is a fine line, too much and you must be insane.
Be strong, but not too strong. Too strong and suddenly you are considered aggressive.
Be humble, but not too humble or others will see you as weak.
Be smart, not nerdy though.
Be confident, careful here too, or surely someone will call you cocky.
Be loving, but know they might call you a flirt.
Be a giver, but not too much or be taken advantage of.
Be sad, but move on fast or someone will offer advice on antidepressants.
Be angry, but keep it in check or they will label you as crazy with anger management issues.
Be sexy, but just a little otherwise, you’re a slut.
Speak your mind, but not really in fear of offending.
Be funny, but they might label you the class clown from grade school to your 30th class reunion.
If you are beautiful AND quiet, you must be a snob.
Chubby and sober equals bully … right?
Over six foot tall, wow you must play basketball.
When your story ends, will you have lived an unlived life or will you spread your roots and reach for the sun? People will judge, but it only matters if you let them hold you back. BE real, not fake and let the judgments fade to grey.

One Comment
Trevor Pinegar
This is SO true and insightful! Life is too short to be false or worry. I couldn’t have said it better.