Restoration – Part 3 – The Reveal
The big reveal is here! Today’s the day! Our home has the same four walls and the same foundation. The changes are small but mighty to me. We’ll just say the inside was freshened up. Not gutted, just updated.
Sometimes we need to take an inventory of not only the physical aspects of our lives but the emotional ones too. Do you need a mental restoration? I know I do – A LOT! It gets dusty up there in the brain territory and sometimes the bad stuff clogs up valuable space. Be sure to click that “update now” button on your brain. It’s okay to clear the cache or in emergency situations click “restore to factory settings” and get back that valuable brain space.
I have been working hard this year on mental discipline. When my mind takes on self-destructive thoughts, I tell myself to be disciplined. I remind myself that I am okay because I have faith and a badass angel on my side. Then I focus on doing things for a larger purpose, not like building monuments or saving the world things. Simple things, such as being kind instead of grumpy when waiting in line. Finding something to be grateful for when I want to complain. Being silent when I want to argue.
Hebrews 12:11
For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
The restoration of our second story took longer than expected, but once we started it was hard to stop. Restoring yourself is very similar. Have you ever noticed when you start a diet or a new exercise program you’re all in when the progress is happening? The more you do the more progress you want to see, right? Restoration projects typically have benefits; mentally, physically, and structurally. We need it and thrive because of it.
I love the restoration of our personal spaces. It was physically hard. I was sore from doing movements I don’t normally do. For example, lots of painting and staining can cause wear and tear on the shoulder! I was also emotionally strained; part of me felt like I was erasing pieces of our history. Ava’s fingerprints, hair, marker marks. They sound like small things, but they weighed heavy like a mountain on my heart.
“Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.”– Greg Child
I am proud of the work and I am at peace with the changes. Our space is special because it is filled with memories and love. The color of the walls, the condition of the flooring, the furniture old or new, the accessories of design matter very little in the whole scheme of things.
It’s funny now that the work is done I find myself thinking of Grandma’s towels. They were small and tattered, but never in my life have I held a softer towel. That is just one of the many things I have thought of these last few months.
Just because it’s old or worn doesn’t mean it’s out of life it just needs a little extra love. The best journey comes from restoring the memories and the relationships we left behind in the haste of life gone mad.
For the rest of this series:
Restoration – Part 1 – The Beginning
Restoration – Part 2 – In Progress

Nadine Walker
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Joni this looks so nice!!
Thank you!!