Ava’s Á La Carte
Living Ava’s Way Foundation is proud to sponsor Ava’s A` La Carte, a food pantry for local students.
This is a school-based food pantry at Bondurant Farrar. In coordination with the school district, this pantry serves 7th & 8th grades and will eventually grow to serve 7th – 12th grades. According to the Iowa Food Bank, over 80,000 children in our state face food insecurities. There are food programs available to students up to the 6th grade, but this leaves a gap for older students. Ava’s Á La Carte fills that gap and provides lunch and weekend take-home meals for older students.
Ava’s A` La Carte is named in honor of one of Ava’s favorite childhood book series Fancy Nancy.
How can you help?
We need help stocking the pantry and keeping it stocked on a long-term ongoing basis.
Donations can be made online here or mailed to our PO Box listed below.
We need local businesses/organizations willing to house a receptacle for food donation drop-off. I will share updates on locations as soon as I have them. Once we have drop-off locations established we will begin collecting the items listed below.
Nonperishable individually packaged TEEN-friendly foods.
Microwavable Individual Meals/Cups
• Mac N Cheese
• Ramen
• Ravioli (Any Pasta Meal)
• Soup
Granola Bars
Gold Fish
Apple Sauce Cups
Fruit Cups
Rice Krispie Treats
Beef Jerky
Fruit Snacks
Pudding Cups
Individual Peanut Butter Cups
Pretzels or Cracker Packs
Shelf Stable Yogurt Pouches
Tuna or Chicken Pouches
Bottled Water
If you prefer to shop online here is an Amazon Wish List