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    Forward Friday – 10/19/18

       Christmas is 10 weeks away! Tis the season of giving. Ava loved giving and was always making cards or gifts. It was Ava’s Way. In the weeks leading up to the holidays, I…

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    Forward Friday

    What is Forward Friday?? Ava loved giving and was always making cards or gifts. It was Ava’s Way. In the weeks leading up to the holidays, I am going to spotlight a charity…

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    400 Days

    October 16th marks 400 days since you climbed to your forever castle. It’s been very gloomy and rainy this fall and the weight of your absence is very heavy on my heart. This…

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    The Three Paths

      The Three Paths The first path was soft, sandy and warm.  The sensation as our feet sunk in was amazing, like peace and happiness in a bottle. The second path was hilly…

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    Moments after you entered the world we made it official with your handprint. This would be the first of many gifts. I remember how tiny and perfect your hands were as I held…

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    Seasons Come and Seasons Go

    Seasons come and seasons go. Summer is slipping away and the transition to Fall is nearing. I don’t mind Fall, except for the reminder that cold is coming and will stay on for…

  • AVASWAY,  Blog

    Ava’s Golden Birthday Event

    Ava loved life and to her, nearly every moment presented itself as an event that required enthusiasm and a keen eye for spotting the glorious shining moment. What is a shining moment you…

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    Say Her Name

    Children come into this world and we give them a name to be called as they grow from baby to toddler, child to teen, etc. I named my youngest daughter Ava,  and I loved…

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      Panic and life can go hand in hand, I’m not talking about being late or spilled milk. You know, that moment you think your young child is missing, the one when your…

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    Fifteen Minute Floral

    This is my first video tutorial. I’m going to show you how I make silk floral arrangements. This video is completely unscripted and nearly live (sans editing). The lighting and audio are not…

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