Ava’s Way – Living Better In Every Way
When I started this journey as a blogger, I had a few goals in mind. I wanted to write, heal, and share my journey with the hopes of helping others along the way. I…
Forward Friday Remix
The last three weeks I have highlighted some of our favorite nonprofit organizations to spread the word on all the great work they are doing. I will continue to do just that leading…
What Holds You Together
What holds you together? Do you have a support network that you lean on or a hobby you run to when the world gets to be too much? “I’m busy. Holding myself…
Why Go Low Carb?
Have you ever wondered if you should try low carb or if it really is just a fad? I get it! All of the reservations, concerns, everything you are thinking I thought years ago.…
Top Three Tuesday 11/06/2018
It’s fall and this season brings out my love for warm apple pie, tarts, sauce, etc. I love ice cream and caramel sauce with my apple desserts too!! Here are my favorites…
Forward Friday – 11/2/2018
This weeks highlight goes to St Baldricks. We have been involved with St Baldrick’s since 2008. My husband has raised money and shaved his head for 11 years. Both our daughters have cut…
Dining Out Low Carb
Dining out low carb can be daunting. I choose to not eat out very often because meals are typically overpriced, underflavored and proportions are way over-served. Life happens though and sometimes it’s a…
Top Three Tuesday – 10/30/2018
Craving some take out? Pizza, Fried Chicken, Fish Sticks or a stop at the Ice Cream Shop maybe? What if you could make some of these favorites low carb style? Pizza you…
Grief – A Different Perspective
Have you ever thought about grief and why it is so misunderstood in our society? People seem to fear grief like the flu. It’s not contagious, yet we run from it, shying away…
Forward Friday – 10/26/2018
Happy Friday!! This week’s Forward Friday highlight goes out to Blank Children’s Hospital Child Life Department. Ava always came home with something, whether it was a new blanket when admitted for an…