Forward Friday
What is Forward Friday??
Ava loved giving and was always making cards or gifts. It was Ava’s Way. In the weeks leading up to the holidays, I am going to spotlight a charity that has impacted us in some way. I hope to beat the holiday rush before we are out of time, money, and patience. I will be featuring both local and national causes on Forward Fridays. Please consider giving or showing support by sharing the information. Let’s make this season Ava’s Way.
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Goal: Pay it Forward
Focus: Keep Moving Forward
10/19/18 Spotlight – Bondurant Fundraising Friends
This year, BFF has decided to change our fundraising approach. We will be changing to BFF’s 100+ People Who Care. This fall, we will be asking for 100 or more community members and business owners to contribute to our fundraiser. Our goal is to raise $10,000 for our recipients.
This year proceeds from our BFF fundraiser will assist Chelsea and Allen Wyman. They have been impacted by the recent storms as well as ongoing health issues.
We hope you can support our efforts this year by sending a monetary donation to the address above or visiting our website at by Oct 31, 2018. Corporate sponsorships will be acknowledged on our website as well as publicly.
This organization helped us with a mortgage payment and groceries last year so we could take some time to grieve without worrying about these financial obligations.
10/26/18 Spotlight – Blank Children’s Hospital Child Life Department
Ava always came home with something, whether it was a new blanket when admitted for an overnight or a craft made while waiting for lab results at the clinic. She loved and cherished the gifts and activities. They always made the stays bearable and the smiles were priceless.
This season please consider Blank Children’s Child Life in your charitable giving’s. This is just a highlight, so be sure to check out the links below to ensure you have all the details. The hospital can be very scary and boring at times too. Activities help pass the time and manage fear with distraction. Ava made every craft available and I still tear up with I go to Michael’s or Joann’s and see some of the craft kits that she would have enjoyed.
Some ideas would be gift bags, blankets, purchasing items off a wish list, monetary donations or a book drive. They take party and gift supplies too, for birthday’s inpatient and end of chemo parties.
The hospital can only take new items, but if you are doing a fall clean, up you can donate items to the Not New Shop and they use the proceeds earned to fund hospital programs like Child Life. The wish list is nice because it includes some very specific items if you’re not sure what to donate or if your an Amazon shopper click here to access their Amazon registry page.
Watch this cute video on Facebook from more information about holiday giving.
To access the detailed Wish List page on what to donate and what not to donate click here.
Be sure to review the helpful Giving FAQ for more details here, for what not to bring, where to drop off donations and much more.
You will need to fill out a donation form and bring it with you when you drop off donations. Click here for the individual form.
For more information about group projects and the group, donation form click this link here.
Ava benefited from it all, trikes, games, crafts, toys, coloring, reading, movies, sensory/therapy items, music therapy, gift cards to her favorite stores, gifts on special occasions, parties on special days and I could go on. Your support is greatly appreciated!
11/02/2018 Spotlight – St Baldricks
We have been involved with St Baldrick’s since 2008. My husband has raised money and shaved his head for 11 years. Both our daughters have cut their hair in years past, Emma 3 times and Ava once both raising money in honor of Ava and ALL the children. Last year Strength for Ava raised over $24,000 pushing the event total over $71,000. Our community, Bondurant got involved by creating an annual event in 2010 and we are hoping to break the 1 million mark this year.
What is St Baldricks?
The name St. Baldrick’s is a mashup of St. Patrick’s Day and the word “bald” — two things which sum up the humble beginnings of the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a childhood cancer foundation that funds grants for childhood cancer research through shaving events and other fundraisers across the globe.
It all started with three guys in a bar on St. Patrick’s Day and a challenge to go bald to raise money for childhood cancer research. Their goal was $17,000. They ended up raising $104,000, and St. Baldrick’s was born.
Learn more about the history of the St. Baldrick’s Foundation >
Childhood cancer research is incredibly underfunded — only 4% of government funding is solely dedicated to childhood cancer research. St. Baldrick’s Foundation has worked since its founding to fill that gap.
St. Baldrick’s is the biggest funder of childhood cancer research grants behind the United States government. Since we became a foundation, we’ve funded more than $200 million in grants to intrepid researchers searching tirelessly for better treatments and cures.
You can donate to St Baldrick’s any time here. I will post about the 2019 event when it is up under our AVASWAY tab too.
11/16/2018 Spotlight Children’s Cancer Connection

Help send 30 kids to camp this year!! Donate here
“Giving Tuesday or #GivingTuesday is an international movement for activism and giving at the beginning of the holiday season. This year, Giving Tuesday falls on November 27, 2018.
Kick off your charitable season by participating in Children’s Cancer Connection’s #GivingTuesday campaign! Our goal is 30 kids for 30 years. This means we need to raise $12,000, or have 30 individuals sign up for a monthly recurring gift. We appreciate your help in reaching our goal!”
Wish Lists
2019 Camp Wish List 2019 Courage Store Wish List
Volunteer Opportunites
There are many great volunteer opportunities with CCC. The biggest being Camp with Oncology Camp in June and Sibling Camp in August There is always a need for staff, counselors, kitchen, arts and crafts and more. Volunteer opportunities are year around too, not just the week of camp. Here is a link to the volunteer page where you will find lots of current volunteer information. Bookmark this link and check back early and often for more opportunities. At the bottom of that page is a link to sign-up for opportunities. Don’t miss the chance to make a difference in a child’s life.
11/23/2018 Spotlight – Jolly Holiday Lights – Make a Wish Iowa
Tis the season for lights and love! One of our favorite traditions is Jolly Holiday Lights!
What a fantastic way to celebrate the holidays while helping others. Make a Wish organization is near and dear to us. Ava was granted her wish in 2009 and she had an amazing trip to Disney World to meet her favorite princesses. Truly a dream come true for both my girls! So if you are looking for great family fun load up the car and head to Adventureland in Altoona and support Make a Wish Iowa where they make dreams come true!
The information below can be located on the Make A Wish Iowa website
3300 Adventureland Drive
Altoona, IA 50009
5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Jolly Holiday Lights is back in Altoona, November 23 – December 29. The Wish Shop will close after Dec. 23.
As the holiday approached the lights get busier. Reminder we are open 7 days a week. Traffic tends to be lighter during the week than on the weekends.
Come out and celebrate more than 21 years of holiday lights, presented by Hy-Vee! Bundle up the family and enjoy a 2.5 mile ride through more than 100 magical light displays. 100% of admission fees go directly to Make-A-Wish® Iowa! Since it began in 1995, the event has raised enough money to grant more than 700 wishes to Iowa kids!
$20 per car
$40 per limo/minibus:
Motor Coaches, Bus, and Limos please download this guide. The guide explains some tighter turns and where to go.
pricing is for vehicles with a capacity of 25 passengers or less.
$70 per chartered bus:
pricing is for vehicles with a capacity of more than 25 passengers.
Tickets will be available beginning in November at Hy-Vee, Casey’s and the Make-A-Wish Iowa office. Electronic tickets may be purchased at any time online.
Volunteer for Jolly Holiday Lights – A great team building activity or a fun family tradition!
11/30/2018 Spotlight – The Ronald McDonald House
The RMH was a lifesaver for many months and has a very special place in my heart. It is a home away from home, not just a roof over your head. There is a feeling of comfort that comes from knowing friendly faces will be there to greet you, a warm meal to re-energize your body and a quiet place to rest your weary soul.
I have so many stories; one in particular means the world to me. Ava was three and getting treatment for brain cancer. We were well over a year into treatments and I was weary and alone. After a long day of doctor’s appointments, we went to the store to get a few groceries. Ava had become a very fussy eater and was losing weight by the minute. This trip to the store was so important, because she had to eat something! I remember parking my car at the house, getting Ava into her stroller, and popping the trunk. Suddenly it dawned on me, how was I going to get Ava and the groceries into the house? It was too risky to leave her alone in the room, especially with her port accessed. As I pondered a plan, exhausted and close to tears, there was a friendly voice offering to help. I looked up to see Paula the house manager’s smiling face as she loaded her arms with groceries. She chatted with Ava and just like that, the world did not seem so dark. Ava stayed in the lobby with Paula playing trains while I put our purchases away and took a quick deep breath.
We have stayed at homes away from home in Minnesota, Georgia and Nebraska over the years. Each one was unique, but everyone had a feeling of comfort and peace because of the people. The staff, volunteers and guests are what make the house a home. Please consider reaching out to a local Ronald McDonald house this season or next year!
There are many opportunities to pay it forward.
The Des Moines Ronald McDonald House
On this page you can find information about providing a meal, making a donation, volunteering, becoming an intern or donating items from their wish list.
Don’t forget to save your Pop Tabs!!
The Rochester Ronald McDonald House, our longest standing home away from home. Exciting news, they are adding on! The waiting list to get a room has been full for over 10 years. I look at this house and recall sitting in many of those windows alone or with Ava wishing upon the stars for a cure.
The beautiful Atlanta Ronald McDonald House! This house has a tree house inside with playrooms on two levels. We made fun memories with Ava here. Every night there is a warm meal served by friendly volunteers.