Ava’s Story
Ava Hutchinson 2005 – 2017
Ava’s Fight
Living Ava’s Way is in honor of Ava Hutchinson and the way she changed lives through her spirit, drive, and kindness. Here you will find inspiration through the lessons we learned from Ava. There is also raw pain as we survive her loss and learn to not just survive but thrive in her light. There is also joy in sharing her legacy of giving as we set out to change the world one smile at a time.
Ava was everyone’s best buddy, no matter how young or old. She was friendly and had a heart of gold. Ava especially loved a good laugh and had a witty sense of humor. She loved to sing and dance too, but fashion was her passion. She had a sense of sassy style that stood out, always accessorized from head to toe.
Ava’s life wasn’t easy, but she lived like a champ
At twenty-eight months of age, they diagnosed Ava with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor. She endured many surgeries and lots of chemotherapy that first year. As she was nearing the end of her treatment protocol, they hit us with the tragic news that her cancer was back. Ava underwent 30 rounds of high-dose radiation to her brain and spine, followed by three rounds of high-dose chemo and stem cell transplants. Just two weeks before Ava’s 4th birthday, the treatment was over and she was in remission.
The fight wasn’t over
There was the emotional aftermath as we found ourselves faced with recovering Ava’s emotional well-being and reintroducing her to the world. All she knew was fighting cancer. Then the late effects of treatment slowly started creeping in, like thyroid issues, physical and cognitive issues such as balance and learning, ear surgeries to fix holes created by the radiation, cataract surgeries to correct her vision, and growth hormone shots because she stopped growing. Those are just a few of the speed bumps Ava faced over the next 7 years, but the last “late effect” of cancer was the one we couldn’t fix. They found secondary cancer during a routine check-up in July 2016. This cancer was terminal. Imagine being told you would watch your child suffer and die before your very eyes. It happened and I still struggle to believe she is gone. I still find myself in disbelief.
Through all of this, Ava seldomly cried. There was no self-pity or why me? She had anxiety about her treatments, but she never complained. Even though the new brain tumors were terminal, she put on her game face and fought it for 14 months. She fought to LIVE until her very last breath. Ava’s faith, will to live, and endless love impacted this world and I will continue to share her legacy and her spirit. This is Ava’s way, so let’s LIVE it up!
Ava’s Way – The Movement
#avasway is not JUST a hashtag to follow on social media. For us, it is a way of life. A way to change the world, one deed at a time, one smile at a time. Each day, we strive to honor Ava’s way of life.
Ava left a legacy of giving. She was always thinking of others by making homemade cards and gifts for those who touched her life. The giving back started at a very early age, but the biggest effects were near the end of her life. With the help of some amazing friends, she could make a big impact on this world. This is just a quick summary of past events and upcoming events.
In May 2017, Ava made bracelets and sold lemonade to raise money for the Children’s Cancer Connection. She raised $500 to purchase 50 gift cards for the Bravery Bucks program.
For her 11th and final birthday on earth, she asked for cards and donations to the Children’s Cancer Connection, because she wanted kids like herself to go to cancer camp for free for years to come. Thousands of dollars were raised in her honor in 2017 and again in 2018.
Ava wanted to do a blood drive to save lives for her 12th birthday. They had given her blood products during her multiple battles against cancer and she wanted to give back. We have held Ava’s birthday blood drive annually since 2017, saving thousands of lives in Ava’s honor.
You can find team Ava’s Way collaborating and supporting various non-profits
St Baldricks – Strength for Ava – raising money for childhood cancer research
Ava’s Butterfly Garden in partnership with We XL 4H club – a community beautification project
Ava’s Acts of Kindness
Great Cycle Challenge
Festival of Trees and Lights
Ronald McDonald House meals and pantry collection
Children’s Miracle Network Agent
School supply drive
Head for the cure brain cancer run
Team CCC 1/2 marathon runner.
Leading to… Living Ava’s Way Foundation!
Welcome! We are so glad you are here. This path through grief is horrendous, but it is made easier by giving back and shining a light on Ava’s memory and her ever-lasting legacy of love. I once read the only way to beat death is through life and we give life through HOPE! That is why we created this foundation, to give HOPE! We will feed children, send kids to camp, help young adults to further their education, and save some pollinators. It takes a village, and this is the village. We hope these programs also empower those around us to take meaningful action and volunteer in their communities.
2023 Capital Campaign
Even though cancer was a part of Ava’s life for 3532 of the 4382 days she was alive, she never let it define her. Her last wishes centered on helping others. That is how she defined her life and how we celebrate and remember AVA. This foundation is the heart and soul of her legacy. Ava wanted to make the world a better place, thru small yet impactful changes. Her dream touched the heart of people across the globe and we cultivate that spirit here in her honor.
Living Ava’s Way
Accept Accountability
Create Value
Take Action
Be Spirited
Seek Wisdom
Live Ambitiously
Cultivate Yearning
By Living Ava’s Way, we accept accountability to change the world. We promise to empower those around us to do the same. We create value in this world by embracing a purpose. This purpose drives us to take positive action. We are spirited and seek wisdom. We live ambitiously and cultivate yearning in a way that affects the world positively.
Living Ava’s Way Foundation Startup
In order to accomplish any of the missions listed below, we need to raise capital to start this foundation.
The goal is $5000
Ava’s Á La Carte
This is a school-based food pantry at Bondurant Farrar. In coordination with the school, this pantry serves 7th & 8th grades and will grow to serve 7th – 12th grades. According to the Iowa Food Bank, over 80,000 children in our state face food insecurities. Food programs are available to students up to 6th grade, leaving a gap for older students. Ava’s Á La Carte helps close the gap with lunch and weekend take-home meals for older students.
The goal is $5000
Ava’s Scholarship
Provide scholarships to local seniors looking to further their education at an accredited university, college, or trade school. These scholarships will have a community service focus to encourage and empower youth to volunteer and embrace community betterment.
Goal $4000
Ava’s Garden
Ava’s butterfly garden was created in her memory in 2018. It is a beautiful addition to our community and our goal is to maintain, improve, and provide educational opportunities around pollinator protection.
Goal $1000
Future Development and Continued Collaboration
Living Ava’s Way will grow these programs, develop new programs, and support other nonprofits as funding allows.
Life Serve (Ava’s Annual Birthday Blood Drive)
Children’s Cancer Connection (cabin sponsorship)
Ava’s Closets/ Crates/ Carts in other schools within and outside of our district.
There are so many goals, so be on the lookout for future developments!!
Goal $5000
Campaign Goal:
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID 92-0592787