Ava’s Golden Birthday Event

Ava loved life and to her, nearly every moment presented itself as an event that required enthusiasm and a keen eye for spotting the glorious shining moment. What is a shining moment you may wonder? Well, it is a jazz hands ta-dah kind of moment. That moment when you are exactly prepared and you have just the right audience and* boom* stardom for a gleaming second or two. It is short lived and typically only visible to those with a sparkly kind of heart. For Ava, even going to the bathroom presented itself as a possible fast track to stardom and Ava was always in the bathroom. I swear I have been in thousands of bathrooms even ones on the side of the road. Those pit stops were not a shining moment, but she probably tried to throw in some jazz hands I am sure. Ava’s favorite thing in the world was planning and preparing for events/parties. Even if there wasn’t an event she was making one up, creating invitations, place cards, decorations, gifts, she LOVED a good party.

Speaking of parties, Ava’s birthday is coming up and this is no ordinary birthday. It will be her golden birthday, turning 13 on the 13th. While she will be celebrating in heaven, we are planning an event AND an event in the event. The event is Ava’s 2nd Annual Blood Drive. The event within this event is Ava’s Golden Birthday. Thus, it’s rightfully named Ava’s Golden Birthday Blood Drive. Along with a chance to be a hero and save three lives, there WILL also be cake, games, and rock painting.

Just think of all the possible shining moments this opportunity presents. Now if you were Ava you would need just the right outfit, matching shoes, accessories and nails of course. You might also need a bag filled with the essentials, 7+ stuffed animals, 5+ lip-glosses, 2+ hand sanitizers, extra shoes, etc. That was Ava’s way and yes, you are welcome to get dressed up if you fancy, but Ava never judged and neither will anyone else, so come as you wish and enjoy the event for as long as you like. We look forward to sharing Ava’s special day with you.

You can schedule your blood donation appointment here and/or you may volunteer to help put on this magical event here. There is a Facebook event page with additional information too.

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