
Blank Canvas

blank canvas


A blank canvas can be exciting, yet frightening at the same time because there are so many possibilities. Our life is our canvas, where our experiences are the texture, our emotions are the color and our decisions are the lines. Feeling adventurous, an artist might dive right into designing a complicated masterpiece, or perhaps having quiet feelings, they might take a moment to reflect and slowly bring soft watercolors to the canvas. An artist harboring feelings of anger might load their brush and splatter the canvas with vivid colors.

“Our life is our masterpiece, it’s up to us on how we paint our story. It’s up to us how we see the substances we have. At the end of the day, all our accumulated stuff will be presented as our greatest piece of work.”  ― Nathaniel E. Quimada

I sit here looking at the blank canvas of my screen, wondering what picture to paint with my words today. What life experiences do I trace, what emotions do I color, what feelings do I brush on to this stark white canvas? Is it bright or muted; straight or crooked; real or abstract?

How do you color your world?

“You are the most important project in your life. Spend time, work carefully, and act with positive intent as you work to create your best self. This life is your masterpiece. You are a masterpiece.” ― Avina Celeste

My canvas is ever changing and that is okay, each part is a piece of me, who I was and who I will be. The lines are sometimes straight, yet often crooked. The colors at certain times in my life are in your face and other times barely visible. The texture is rough as sandpaper and soft as silk at the turn of the brush.

Life is hard but soft, beautiful yet ugly, bright at times and dark on the other side. Life, like a masterpiece, is not to be shoved away in the attic collecting dust. Pick up a brush and color your world better, bolder, brighter. Living Ava’s Way every day!


Photo by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist on Unsplash


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